Blog by Sue Adams, CEO of Care & Repair England


We are surrounded by so much conflict at the moment, with ever widening divisions and hardening of opposing standpoints on many fronts.

So it is heartening to see signs of consensus breaking out in one area at least – what to do about housing and ageing.

In the light of the recent ‘Spending Round’ announcement and extra money for all Government Departments, two new housing and ageing Manifestos provide useful suggestions for action.

Both also highlight the crucial need to change Building Regulations to improve the accessibility of new homes, a subject about which the SR promises a consultation.

The first Manifesto, Housing Action for Ageing Well from the Older People’s Housing Champion’s Network, calls for better homes for all ages, improvement of existing homes to make them healthy, safe, secure places to live well, universal access to housing information and advice, plus ‘Seven Steps to better housing for ageing’ .

Similarly, the new Housing & Ageing Alliance Manifesto, Time for Action, is calling for changes that will enable older people to live independently and well wherever they choose, creation of age-friendly homes, neighbourhoods and services that enable people to live healthy, fulfilling lives, involved with families, friends & neighbours and contributing to their communities in later life – an intergenerational message if ever there was one.

In addition we have the positive housing work of the Centre for Ageing Better. They too call for action to improve the quality of the existing housing stock for an ageing population, as well as improvements to the design of new homes, better housing information and advice plus action to enable people to age well in place, as engaged, active members of society.

The challenge now is to convey this emerging shared vision to those in positions of power, inspiring them to take up the challenge and make these aspirations a reality.

[September 2019]